Specialty Orthopaedics has a long history of caring for our community’s athletes. We have had physicians on the side lines since the early 80’s and continue to do this today. Specialty Orthopaedics is an integral part of the athletic community in Dawsonville and Gainesville and is an active part of caring for student and adult athletes. Our physicians serve as team physicians for most Hall County schools and Riverside Military Academy, as well as serving as the sideline physician for Chestatee High School football games every Friday night. In addition to injury care, we offer free sports physicals for all high school athletes.
Common Pickleball Injuries
Pickleball injuries are on the rise, and we want to help you avoid them. Specialty Orthopaedics provides comprehensive orthopaedic care for the entire family. Our team of orthopaedic experts offers same-day treatment to make sure you don’t miss any time out on the pickleball court.
Saturday Morning Sports Clinic
At Specialty Orthopaedics, we are part of your team and we are committed to keeping athletes in the game. When other healthcare providers are not available, we are pleased to offer convenient Saturday morning care for emergent orthopaedic medical situations where you will be treated by specialized, experienced orthopaedic physicians. We know injuries will happen on Friday nights, so our doctors will be there for you on Saturday mornings during football season to diagnose, treat, and care for your sports injuries. When an injury does occur, our team provides skilled treatment. We also focus on injury prevention and establish specialized care plans.
Specialty Orthopaedics holds Sports Injury Clinics for student and adult athletes each Saturday during football season from 8 to 9 a.m. No appointment is necessary. No need to call! Walk-in to our Dawsonville or Gainesville location every Saturday during the fall.
Orthopaedic surgeons are physicians with extensive training in both surgical and nonsurgical treatment of bones, joints, and soft tissues such as ligaments, tendons, and muscles. In addition to their orthopaedic training, all of Specialty Orthopaedics’ surgeons have training in sports medicine. To learn more about our sports medicine team, contact us or call 770-532-7202.